Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mary vs Martha: Every Missionary's Battle

As activity increases and men become successful in doing any work for God, there is danger of trusting to human plans and methods. There is a tendency to pray less, and to have less faith. Like the disciples, we are in danger of losing sight of our dependence on God, and seeking to make a savior of our activity. We need to look constantly to Jesus, realizing that it is His power which does the work. While we are to labor earnestly for the salvation of the lost, we must also take time for meditation, for prayer, and for the study of the word of God. Only the work accomplished with much prayer, and sanctified by the merit of Christ, will in the end prove to have been efficient for good. - Desire of Ages,362


  1. Such a powerful quote!!! I struggle with that a lot. I'm sorry to say, but the busier I get, sometimes, the shorter my prayer and Bible study time becomes. It really should be the opposite! I love the advice John Adams gave to his son, John Quincy Adams, before he took office as president. He told him to never start his duties as president until spending at least three hours in prayer and Bible study. John Adams himself started his day at the throne of grace, refilling his cup, that he could work through his day under the blessing of the Almighty. He didn't trust himself to make decisions that affected the whole country.

  2. This is definitely my struggle as well.

    What great advice! Imagine what our country would be like if it was still followed...
