Monday, April 5, 2010

Costa Rica

I wrote this article for The Quiet Hour in 2006 after completing an evangelistic series with them.

Costa Rica—the very words bring back amazing memories of many lives changed, including mine.

I wasn’t ever expecting to travel to Costa Rica, much less in September 2006; but the Lord had something else in mind. A friend of mine called and asked, “Carissa, how would you like to preach an evangelistic series in Costa Rica? The series starts in just over two weeks.” I was completely shocked! My friend was scheduled to preach an evangelistic series there through Share Him, but she was no longer able to participate. She was hoping I would take her place. After praying about it, I sensed the Lord’s leading and felt impressed to follow.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I went to Costa Rica. I’m 18 years old and had to travel there by myself. I could not speak Spanish; and I didn’t know a single person in the whole country…but I knew that the Lord was with me. I stayed in a town called Guapiles, which is in the rainforest. There were about six evangelistic sites in that area and about fifteen participants from the States. I think my first bout of “culture shock” hit when I tried to take a shower! No such thing as hot water in that part of the country!

After being in Costa Rica a few days, we decided to tour the sites where we would be preaching. We pulled up in front of this little white church, exactly the image that pops into your mind when you think of a traditional Adventist church. Someone yelled out, “Hey Carissa, I think this is your church!” I sent up a quick prayer and said, “Lord, I hope not!” Might sound like a strange request, but I was really hoping for that “missionary experience”. The Lord definitely answered my prayer! I ended up preaching in a large warehouse. My nightly attendance included bats, dogs, cockroaches, and frogs! It was definitely an unforgettable experience.

Every night before I preached, I would spend time surrendering to Christ and praying for the meetings. I was always so nervous before speaking, but as soon as I stood on the stage and prayed, peace would just “wash” over me. It was powerful to feel the Holy Spirit working through me to touch the lives of others. One woman remarked, “I can see Christ in you!” “Lord, how unworthy I am yet so incredibly grateful for Your powerful presence,” was my heartfelt prayer.
One of the subjects the devil hates the most is what the Bible truly says about the dead. The night I discussed this topic was no exception. To start off, I was in the back of the warehouse greeting the visitors when I noticed the church members seemed concerned and upset. I wasn’t able to understand their concern because I didn’t speak Spanish. I ended up asking a local church member named Sylvio. Sylvio only speaks and understands enough English to translate children’s stories, but is in no way fluent. He replied that my translator hadn’t arrived yet. I was so busy, I had not even noticed! He said, “Carissa, what are you going to do?” What was I going to do?!! I don’t speak Spanish, the visitors had already arrived, and the program was starting. We couldn’t send them away without hearing the Word of God! Amazingly, throughout this whole situation, I felt a great peace. I just knew the Lord had this under control. I turned to Sylvio and asked if he would translate for me. He was shocked! He said he could never do that! But the Lord impressed me to say, “Sylvio, I still believe in a God who works miracles! I still believe God can give you the gift of tongues. I believe that the Lord will give you the power to do what He has called you to do.” I knew these were not my words! After praying together, Sylvio said he would do it. But I suddenly remembered I had not prayed for my translator. I didn’t know if maybe something had happened to him. I looked up after saying a quick prayer…and there was my translator! Almost immediately, we got on the stage and began preaching. But that wasn’t the end of my night! I noticed a new visitor sitting towards the back of the warehouse. I began to speak about the dead, demons, and ghosts. All of a sudden, the new visitor begun to frantically scream and shake his fist at “something” above him, then yell at “something” supposedly next to him. The lights unexpectedly began to flicker…and then went out completely and engulfed us in nearly complete darkness. This definitely added to the ambiance of the night. All the while, I was attempting to preach! It turns out, the man was the ‘town drunk’ and there had been an electrical problem. The devil was trying to distract the audience from the Word of God, but once again his efforts were thwarted.

I was disappointed about one thing though…I didn’t get to join in the children’s program! My friend, Darleen Sanford, was teaching there while I preached. The ratio was about one adult to 30 children. But the Lord blessed in spite of the overwhelming numbers. Even though I couldn’t understand what the children were singing, I could hear the passion for Christ in their voices.

The Church that supported my site only has about 20 members. It was a tiny but loving church. Many of the members came faithfully to the meetings. One member in particular really stood out to me. Most people would remember Freddy for his vibrant blue eyes and huge smile. He and his daughter came consistently to the seminar meetings. But Darleen and I were curious as to why we had never seen his wife. We finally found out from a church member that Freddy’s wife was not a Seventh-day Adventist. In fact, she would not even go to social functions with Adventists. At the end of the sermon one night, Freddy came up to me with his arm around his wife, Rosa. We were so glad she had come to the meeting that night. Their little baby was sick, so we prayed for him. Rosa came to several of the subsequent meetings and we visited her in her home. The last day I was in Costa Rica, Rosa approached me and said she was going to be baptized the next Sabbath! I was thrilled! This precious family is now united in Christ!

Words cannot possibly express what an amazing blessing I received from this trip. Not only was I blessed by the people of Costa Rica, but also by the other speakers in the group from the States. Things like praying for each other in times of need…or getting up at three in the morning to take me to the airport. I learned more about Christ through those in the group.
I am so thankful The Quiet Hour sponsored me. If not for them, I could not have gone on this trip. They (and those who support them) made it possible for five people to be baptized from my site and at least ten to have made the decision to be baptized. The Quiet Hour made it possible for 80 visitors to come to this warehouse and hear the Word of Christ, maybe for the first time. It was such a privilege and amazing opportunity to share Christ with the precious people in Costa Rica. I look forward to seeing many of them in Heaven someday very soon!

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