Monday, April 5, 2010

Honduras - August 2009

Honduras. The very word conjures up vastly different images. For some, you may picture riots, political turmoil, and primitive conditions. But for me, I reminisce about lasting friendships, passionate prayers, amazing miracles, heartfelt worship, breathtaking scenery, and, of course, delicious mangoes! 
In August 2009, twenty-two missionaries from the Granite Bay Church Plant and Sacramento Central Seventh-day Adventist Church set out for the adventure of their lives. Many well-meaning friends inquired, “Haven’t you heard about the political turmoil there? Why are you going to Honduras?” We went because we felt called by God. We went because He had a purpose for us in a little town called El Suyatal. We went because we were on a mission; a mission to “teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” We claimed the promise that our all-powerful God would be with us “even to the end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:19-20) By the end of this mission trip, we could confidently proclaim that our faith was not in vain.

Before we even left for Honduras, we faced our first obstacle. We had to raise $30,000 in order to construct a dormitory for the Central American Bible School students (a one-year program similar to AFCOE). This is obviously a large sum of money, especially in our tumultuous economy. But we were quickly reminded that the power of our God is not limited by our economy! His riches are always greater than our need. God bountifully supplied the money we needed and more. We are truly grateful for everyone who gave sacrificially for this cause!
We had three main projects to accomplish during this mission trip: build a dormitory, present children’s meetings in a Vacation Bible School format, and conduct an evangelistic campaign. When we arrived in EL Suyatal to work with the Vida International volunteers, we were under the impression that the dormitory foundation had already been completed and was ready for us to begin the bricklaying for the walls. However, that was not the case. Our dedicated team of workers spent most of the next two weeks building a secure foundation by digging trenches, shaping rebar, and pouring concrete. This back-breaking work was heroically accomplished. Since our departure, the Vida International volunteers have continued making great progress on this building. The first floor walls have been constructed and they are now working on the second story. This dormitory will soon house dozens of students spending one-year of their life devoted to evangelism training and outreach! 
Initially, our children’s evangelism team was planning on holding a children’s program every evening while the adult evangelistic series was in session. But a few days after our arrival, the Lord worked an absolute miracle. Due to the challenging political situation, the teachers in the nearby elementary school were not permitted to teach. Because of the friendship that one of the Vida International Bible workers had with a teacher, an amazing door opened for us. Our group was invited to come to this elementary school for three hours every weekday to present health talks, English classes, Christian music, and prophecy Bible studies! Approximately 300 hundred children listened attentively to the life-saving messages presented by our team. In addition to this work, our team also conducted the children’s evening meetings. Around eighty children would pack into the small Adventist church to hear more about the God they were learning to love. Our team cherished the time they spent interacting with the children by singing songs, working on crafts, and studying the Bible. One team member’s heart was particularly touched when she heard an orphan boy singing “This Little Light of Mine” in Spanish as he played in the dirt streets. 

We could easily fill a book with all of our recollections about the incredible miracles worked in and through the adult evangelistic series! Vida International had several Bible workers who had already built friendships with a couple hundred of the 2,000 precious souls in this small town. They had already laid the groundwork for our evangelistic series. Each night, nearly every chair was filled with people seeking to understand the Word of God! I had the opportunity to be the speaker for all eleven evangelistic meetings. It was such a blessing to see the attendees attentively listening as the truth about the great controversy, salvation, and Heaven was presented. You could see that the Bible was bringing freedom to those who had lived all of their lives in fear of death and damnation. What an amazing privilege to speak the Word of God to souls thirsting for that which only God can supply! By the end of the series, twenty-two people made the decision to follow in Christ’s footsteps by keeping the Seventh-day Sabbath. Several individuals asked to be baptized so that they also could die in the watery grave and be raised to a newness of life in Christ Jesus. Praise God! 
Because we were in Honduras during the rainy season, the driving rain was frequently our greatest enemy. During the evangelistic series one night, a torrential downpour unleashed its fury. It beat heavily upon the metal roof, making it entirely impossible to hear the health talk being presented by a Vida International volunteer. At that point, it was pointless to attempt to preach. Not even the blaring sound system could compete with the torrent of rain pounding on the roof and leaking onto the chairs below. We knew that there was only one way that our evangelistic series could take place that night…if God worked a miracle and stopped the rain! Our team quickly gathered in the back of the meeting hall to seek the Lord in prayer, claiming His abundant promises. It was such a blessing to be with these godly people from Sacramento Central SDA Church and the Granite Bay Church Plant. We were all united in prayer truly seeking the presence and power of our almighty Creator. The time came for the Gospel to be preached. As I walked up to the podium, the rain continued to pour vehemently. But the moment I began to speak, it was as though someone turned off the faucet. The rain stopped! For the rest of the meeting, the storm cleared and the whole audience was able to readily hear the message that God had for them that night. Glory be to God! 

There were miracles upon miracles that we could share with you! Without a doubt, God called us to Honduras. He touched not only the lives of the precious souls in El Suyatal, but He also indelibly touched our lives! It is such a humbling privilege to know that the God of the Universe cares about us and wants us to be His ambassadors! Please take a moment to prayerfully consider this question. What is God calling YOU to do today in order to spread the Good News of His salvation?
For more information about Vida International, please visit their website:

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